What Is Elizabeth's Role In Frankenstein

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In the novel Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, the character Elizabeth isn’t considered a main one. While she may not have a significant amount of time focused on her in the novel, she can easily be the reason for Victor Frankenstein’s feelings. When we look deeper into her character, we can see that she has had a larger impact on Victor and the relationship with his parents than you would first realize. From the beginning, his parents chose to adopt Elizabeth and take her into their home; they could not hand pick Victor like this. His mother even said that she was the “most beautiful child she had ever seen” (20) even though she has a child of her own, Victor. This shows us that they even preferred the looks of Elizabeth to their …show more content…

He has already been studying at different schools, but they found it necessary for him to study at the university of Ingolstadt. He did preform quite well at this university, but this is where he created the monster. If his parents had not have had these expectations for him, he would have never created the monster that eventually led to the killings of multiple people. After he creates the monster he tries to go to sleep but is woken up by a nightmare about Elizabeth and his mother. In the nightmare, Elizabeth turns into his mother’s dead body. His mother is part to blame for him having to attend the university of Ingolstadt, which lead him to create the monster. By Mary Shelley relating the two characters here, this leads us to believe that they have some type of direct correlation together with Victor. He is happy to see Elizabeth, but then frightened to see his mother’s body, and then freaked out again when he opens his eyes and sees the monster looking over him. He loves Elizabeth, but it is because of her that he has the relationship he has with his mother that sent him to the university of Ingolstadt, which led him to create this hideous

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