What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?

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Being a Christian means having a close, personal relationship with God. It’s understanding that He doesn’t just want us to be fans of Him, rather for us to follow. In my everyday life, this holds a lot of meaning. As a college student, I’m faced daily with many opportunities to show my faith, consciously or not. A verse that I have taken to heart has been 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” (ESV) I try to show myself being an image of Christ in this world through all of my actions, even the small ones that I think no one sees or recognizes. Most of these actions are simple tasks, like being kind to others or holding a door for someone who has their hands full. Where it becomes more difficult, but also more rewarding, are the actions that lead in to servanthood. …show more content…

To have the heart and life of a servant means being completely submissive to someone. First, one has to be submissive to God, then submit to others. This is where I struggle from time to time; with my pride. I have to be careful that when I minister to others, I’m doing it as a servant of God and not out of service to self. When I serve out of humility, not a neurotic need for approval, I feel a distinct difference in how connected I feel with the Lord at that time. When I go through times of not serving or not serving with a pure heart, there is stark contrast in all aspects of my spiritual

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