The Importance Of The Bible

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Is it possible to declare yourself to be of the Christian faith, but not live in a way that reflects this? In other words, is simply believing in Jesus enough? According to the scriptures, it is not. To have genuine faith in Christ, one must live their life in a way that expresses their faith. According to Janet Chismar, of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the Bible is a “collection of books, written by dozens of authors over many hundreds of years…. But in spite of their diversity, when you examine them, you discover they all have a common theme: God’s relationship with the human race.” The Bible is believed to be the inspired word of God. Chismar continues to explain the Bible’s significance by stating, “The Bible isn’t just a collection of men’s ideas about God, nor is it a guidebook for living that people developed over the centuries. It is the Word of God–and that makes all the difference. This means the Bible is our authority in everything it touches. This means the Bible is our guide to show us how to live. Most of all, this means the Bible is our instructor, teaching us about God and His plan of salvation in Christ.” Those of Christian faith believe that the Bible is God’s definitive doctrine. …show more content…

The word describes that the way to salvation is through belief, or faith, in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Those who believe this and repent of their sins are redeemed. They will be accepted into heaven through Jesus. However, this proves to be a dangerous perspective on salvation. This statement can easily be misinterpreted. Some may think that as long as they believe in Jesus they have an ultimate “get out of jail free” card without a change in behavior. Stating that Jesus is Lord must be accompanied by a lifestyle that reflects his time on

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