Isaiah 2 Research Paper

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The Bible

If someone gave you a gift, so special…it could make you live forever. When you read this gift, it could be easily likened to a map pointing to treasure. What if at the end of this ‘map’, you found a treasure that enabled you to live forever. Would you read it? Of course you would!

Because of the exciting reward that can be found by reading the bible, 6,001,500,000 copies have been printed, and published internationally. Some people are familiar with the term: ‘Holy Scriptures. In these, 66 ‘books’ are formed in 1, called ‘The Bible’. Who is the author of this most famous book? Isaiah 66:5 tells us who inspired the writing of this book: “The word of Jehovah, put down in writing.” The benefits to reading The Bible are endless, …show more content…

Out of all the prophecies in the bible, many of them have already been fulfilled. As an example, let’s look at the city of Babylon. Through the Holy Spirit, Jehovah told Isaiah that it would be destroyed. (Isaiah 13:19; 14:22, 23) The interesting part is, he told Isaiah not only when this would take place, but how it would take place. The army would march into the river, which would be dry; then it would march right in and destroy the city, without a battle. Isaiah even foretold which King it would be, who would conquer. Cyrus. (bh p. 23-25) Isaiah 44:27–45:2.
About 200 years later—on October 5/6, 539 B.C.E The Babylonians were celebrating a recent victory, and thought they were safe behind their massive wall. While that was happening, Cyrus channeled the water that flowed through the city. Once he did that, it was shallow enough the enable the men to cross over to the city gate! Because they were partying, someone had left the city gate open! They went in and destroyed the city, just as foretold. .(bh p. …show more content…

Written in 2 Timothy 3:16 “beneficial for teaching, reproving, for setting things straight.” Examples of wisdom that we can practically use by reading the Bible, is located in chapters 5-7 of the book of Matthew. This was Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. In his teaching, he spoke about a number of things, including how to find true happiness, how to settle fights and arguments, how to prioritize, and how to handle money matters. ‘Everything he said there applied to the people he told, just as they would apply today.’ (bh-pg. 18-19)
There are numerous bible principles that can apply to everyone. Some of these deal with work, morality, family life, and personal life. We can be sure that by reading the bible, it is really in our best interest, letting us benefit ourselves. The wisdom that we can find in this book is summed up when God wrote this to Isaiah: “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself.”—Isaiah 48:17.
All these points lead up to one thing. The bible is a wonderful book that can help many people today, and should be available on all shelves, even

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