Wealth Definition Essay

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1. A person who is wealthy is one who is financially stable, able to meet their needs, and has money to spare for other desires.
2. Wealthy people generally are those who have an abundance of money to the extent that they have no idea how to spend it. To a normal person the first thing that comes to mind is a top-notch athlete with an exotic sports car or a successful Hollywood star living Beverly Hills mansion. Normally, they think of these individuals as so far away from their status that it is unattainable to the average person.
3. My audience is males 25-30 years old. They have just finished attending college and now have a bachelor’s degree with a suitable job in the computer science field. They gross close to one-hundred thousand dollars a year placing them in the mid to high social economic range. Starting their young careers …show more content…

My audience knows that in their minds wealth is something unattainable to them currently as they do not have, in their standards, high paying jobs such as an top athlete. Going through school many members of the audience have encountered these so called rich kids who have had everything handed to them instead of working for it.
5. Most people in the middle-class view wealth as something that is not permanent for them. Seeing those in school who are not as motivated but still make it just as far can be really demotivating at times. Members in the audience may feel this causing them to look down on their current financial status as inferior to their peers.
6. Being in the mid social economic range I have experience both sides of the spectrum. There are times where I speak with those who have been given all and some who have been given nothing and worked for everything they have. I agree that at times it is hard to really judge where you fit in and how to deal with your current situation. Soon enough I will join the audience as I plan to enter college next year and take on student loans, debt, and comparing myself to those around

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