Why You Are Still Broke

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10 Things the Rich Do That the Poor Don't - Why You Are Still Broke 1. They educate themselves This does not mean you should drop out of school in order to be rich. All it means is that the rich don’t just rely on what they are taught. They take the time to educate themselves by going above and beyond a set curriculum. 2. They find mentors Instead of reinventing the wheel each time, the rich and successful stand on the shoulders of giants to reach the top faster. Whatever goal they have, they find a mentor to teach them how to get to achieve that goal, thereby significantly decreasing the time they spend learning and experimenting. 3. Do not exchange time for money They understand that more time spent doing something does not equal to more …show more content…

Turn liabilities into assets Instead of throwing away their hard-earned money on liabilities, they devise a formula that allows them to convert liabilities into assets. This means that at the end of the day, regardless of their expenses, they end up profiting. 5. Understand the difference between income and net worth The rich understand that income and net worth are two completely different things. Your earnings don’t matter as much as the amount you manage to keep. 6. Make money by adding value Instead of charging for the effort or time they put in, they charge for the value they add. This opens up a potential for unlimited earnings, and thereby help the rich stay rich. 7. See obstacles as opportunities For the rich and successful, an obstacle is just another opportunity to learn and profit. They will not only figure out how to overcome the challenge, but will also find a way to gain from their newfound knowledge. 8. Surround themselves with likeminded people A man is known by the company he keeps. The rich surround themselves with other high achievers and passionate people who help you reach your true potential, instead of casting doubt or second guessing your decision to go out their and seize the day. 9. They don’t save, they

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