Vaccines Pros And Cons Essay

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The follow up appointment to begin your child’s immunizations is approaching and you are now confident in your decision. You have analyzed the opinions and support of each side of the debate. You know everyone that you communicated with, and every article you read, had the best interests of the children at heart, whether it was to vaccinate their children or not. However, you have come to the well-established conclusion that it is in the best interest of your child’s health and life to receive the recommended vaccines. Protecting children from preventable diseases by way of vaccines has a serious impact on their health and the world at large. One of the biggest reasons parents argue for refusing vaccines for their children is the notion that the risks or side effects outweigh the benefits. This belief grew in popularity when a study claiming to link autism to the MMR vaccine was published in the late 90’s. It has since been retracted for numerous condemning reasons, and therefore should not be of any concern to parents. There has also been extensive research since this study with none supporting its claim. Even though there may be risks or side effects with vaccines, they are minimal in comparison to the effects of contracting the diseases in which they …show more content…

However, the many vaccines that are available are tested and evaluated constantly with high standards for safety. In fact, doctors Matthew F. Daley and Jason M. Glanz conducted studies to evaluate the risks of parents refusing or delaying vaccinations for their children. They found that children are about “23 times more likely to develop whooping cough, nine times more likely to be infected with chicken pox, and 6.5 times more likely to be hospitalized with pneumonia or pneumococcal disease than vaccinated children” (Daley, 33). If these results do not convince parents to vaccinate their children, it is difficult to say what

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