Negative Essay: Why Should Vaccines Be Good?

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“Vaccines prevent 10.5 million cases of infectious diseases each year” (Refusing
Protection). A Vaccine is an injection given to children and adults. These injections help prevent diseases, many of which are deadly. Some people seem to think vaccine side effects can cause cancer, autism and other outrageous diseases or disorders because of that one article out of a million that says so. Vaccination is a good thing because vaccines help you stay healthy, they are among the safest,and most effective, ways to prevent diseases, and they can protect future generations by completely eradicating deadly diseases.
Among the reasons there are that vaccines are a good thing, is the fact that they are meant to keep you healthy and disease free. The way vaccines do …show more content…

That disease was smallpox, which was one of the most devastating diseases in the world, and it was declared eradicated in 1980 (Smallpox). This and all the other reasons should be proof enough that vaccination is a great thing.
It is true you may believe vaccines can cause Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD), cancer, and other scary things. Yet it is true that those beliefs are wrong and have been proven wrong.
Some people believe some of the preservatives and ingredients of vaccines causes these disorders, but they do not. It is as the CDC says, “...some people have had concerns about other vaccine ingredients in relation to ASD as well. However, no links have been found between any vaccine ingredients and ASD.” (Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism).
Vaccination is a good thing because it keeps us healthy, it does so in a safe way, and it can eradicate diseases that would otherwise that would decimate the human race. Vaccines keep us safe and healthy and will continue to do so if we continue to be vaccinated. To the people against vaccines because of what other people say, are a few side effects really worth avoiding if it prevents protection of likely more serious diseases because of not getting

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