Vaccine Pros And Cons Essay

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8/20/17 THE USE OF VACCINATIONS By: Ashley Schommer #22504365 Introduction to Biology, SCI 120 57331100 The use of vaccinations has been a major topic in the news lately. The decision to or not to vaccinate your child is a decision that parents face each day. For some the decision is an easy one, a no-brainer. For others, it’s a very difficult one to make. People that are pro-vaccine believe that they are protecting their children and the future generations by vaccinating them against diseases that they could potentially get. People that are ant-vaccine believe that by choosing not to vaccinate, they are protecting their children and future generations from the serious side effects that they could potentially get from the vaccination. …show more content…

The following is a list of the medical organizations that approve of vaccines: The CDC (Center of Disease Control), The FDA, Institute of Medicine, American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, UNICEF, US Department of Health and Human Services, World Health Organization, Public health Agency of Canada, Canadian Pediatric Society, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, and American academy of Family Physicians. As shown in the above paragraphs, there are many pros to vaccines, but there is also many cons. The first con to vaccines is that most diseases that vaccines target are mostly harmless, which makes the vaccine unnecessary. The main vaccines that we hear about are chicken pox, measles, and rubella. All of these diseases are normally harmless, chicken pox usually consists of a rash with blisters and can almost always be treated with calamine lotion, acetaminophen, and a cool compress. The measles is usually a rash with a fever and a runny nose. This can be treated with rest and fluids. Rubella is usually a virus with a rash and fever that can be treated with …show more content…

Many people believe that medical decisions for children should be left up to the parents or the child’s legal guardian. “ If the state can tag, track down, and forced citizens against their will to be injected with biological products of known and unknown toxicity today, there will be no limitation which individual freedoms that state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.” (Barbara Low Fisher, co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center) There were very good points made on both the pro and con side of the argument. What side am I on? Based on both pros and cons, my opinion sides with the pros, I believe that vaccines are a good thing. Vaccines have been around helping people for over 200 years. They save children’s and population’s lives. Vaccines have eliminated certain diseases. Yes, there are a few negative points about vaccines, but in my opinion the good far outweighs the bad. That is my conclusion what is

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