To Kill A Mockingbird Appearance Vs Reality Analysis

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Christopher Pop
Mr. G Little
English 101
19 November 2015
Appearance vs. Reality in To Kill a Mockingbird

There are many people in the world who are judged by the way they look, dress, or act, resulting in a false or irrelevant opinion of that person. This is the case in To Kill a Mockingbird, where there are many characters who were judged incorrectly and misunderstood, characters who in reality, are completely different people compared to how society sees them. There are three main characters who were misjudged and misunderstood significantly more than the rest. These three characters are Arthur (Boo) Radley, Mrs. Dubose, and Tom Robinson. Arthur (Boo) Radley is a very important character in the novel, and is one of the most …show more content…

Dubose. Tom is a black man who was 25 years old, married and has three children. He was accused of rape, and sent to jail. Tom had supposedly raped a girl by the name of “Mayella Ewell”. Little did everyone know that Mayella was making up the whole story, to cover up the fact that she kissed a black man, which was not tolerated at the time. Tom appeared in the county court, and was clearly not guilty, judging by the things that he said, and the very little and irrelevant evidence that Mayella gave. Mayella’s father claims that Tom had beaten her, and specifically said that she had injuries around her neck and on her right eye, basically the right side of her body. This, however, doesn’t tie in with Tom Robinson’s characteristics. Tom has a crippled left arm, due to a childhood accident, and that arm in nearly useless to him. Therefore, if Tom had beaten Mayella, her left side would have been injured, not her right. The following proves that Tom’s left arm is indeed of no use. “His left arm was fully twelve inches shorter than his right, and hung dead at his side. It ended in a small shriveled hand, and from as far away as the balcony I could see that it was no use to him.” (188). Here, Scout is confirming that Tom is in fact innocent in the case, because of his left arm deformity. Tom would be unable to cause damage to the right side of Mayella’s body, proving that he is in fact innocent, and not the “violent” person that the people of Maycomb see him as. In reality, Tom was actually a very nice and helpful person. He would actually help Mayella complete her chores on a daily basis until the incident, and the following quotation proves this. “You did all this chopping and work from sheer goodness, boy?” “Tried to help her, I says.” Mr. Gilmer smiled grimly at the jury. “You’re a mighty good fellow, it seems— did all this for not one

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