Character Analysis Essay

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An individual’s personality traits are characteristics and qualities that distinguishes one as distinctive. From the time we are in the womb, we already begin to develop a sense of individuality and achieving what we want to be seen as. An infant who kicks their mother’s stomach since young develop a personality that wants attention, while one who does not may be seen as considerate and calm. However, our personality in nature is not always intact throughout our life. As we grow, we are challenged by our society’s limits and often influenced by our surroundings. Therefore, the way an individual is nurtured will differ from their originally inherent character positively or negatively, and start to act the way they are more comfortable with. Such an example applies to a thirteen year old girl named Bonny. Even though she has some flaws in her character, Bonny is a well- rounded individual that is independent, imaginative, and reliable. Those are some positive traits that she developed as she matured.

Bonny is a student who is independent. Since a young age, she already understood and is rather comfortable to take care of herself from the absence of her parents. For example, making breakfast, house chores, and safety routines. This shows that Bonny is self- governing because she looks forward to the achievement of being able to complete a task unassisted. Bonny also knows her responsibilities in school, and will voluntarily do the tasks without reminders. Furthermore, as she grew up becoming more responsible and emotionally matured, she was able to travel from Hong Kong to Canada by herself with minimal help provided by flight assistants. She would look after herself through security checkups and patiently listen to instructions pr...

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...ty and taking care of a toddler like washroom breaks, feeding food, and keeping her entertained. From those events, we can see that Bonny is a reliable person.

Some people are excellent friends due to their humour and generosity. Others may be admired by their perseverance and organization skills. However, a person is not capable of holding all traits, which is what makes each and every one of us unique and our own ways. Bonny’s personality may not be perfect, but those three personality traits were definitely revealed through her actions. Although she is still only a teenager, she exemplifies the sense of being independent, imaginative, and a reliable individual. Throughout the pervious experiences, she was able to undergo changes and improve herself. This final act is what qualifies Bonny as a truly interesting individual and what makes her special from others.

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