To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is an emblem of racial jurisdiction. All throughout the book it shows how the law applies to blacks as opposed to whites. Lee shows how unjust the treatment of blacks is and the disregard for their human rights. Though through the actions of the characters in the book; it can be said that their actions show a glimmer of hope for this very prejudiced society. In To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Finch is one of the top lawyers in Maycomb. He is not afraid to defend anyone. In the book, Atticus must defend a black man named Tom Robinson who is accused of rape. It is very hard to win a case of white vs. black, and Atticus knows this, and he know that they are treated unfairly which is what he tell Scout, “As you grow older you’ll see white men cheat black men everyday of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t forget it- whatever a white man does that to a black man no matter who he is, or how fine a family he comes from, he is trash”(Lee.223) Atticus is a very wise man and he sees the harsh and unfair treatment of blacks, and also he knows that even black people are humans, which is what he tries to teach his son, Jem, and his daughter, Scout. That is why he takes on a seemingly impossible case of a black man’s word against a white man’s. Atticus teaches the kids that even if someone is of high class, it is not okay to treat anyone with disrespect. If a man does do that, that man is “trash” as Atticus would say. The lesson that he teaches to Jem and Scout is something they carry and learn more about throughout the book. Another lesson taught by the father, Atticus, is point of view, he says, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you c... ... middle of paper ... ... he does not care. He takes great care of his children and he shows the world that it does not matter what race you come from, you can be happy together. He started a family with a black woman and they are very happy with their children. They don’t seem to care about ethnicity all they care about is the love they share together as a family. All they want is to be accepted by the community. They have taken a huge step in bringing a mixed race child into the community. And they risked a lot to do it. But they truly changed the rules. To Kill A Mockingbird is a great way to show how actions of people can change the face of a community. It wasn’t just the trial, but the actions of the people everywhere; from whites going to church with the blacks, to a black woman like Calpurnia caring for two white kids. These actions define the book, and start the dawn of a new era.

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