To Becoming A Veterinarian As A Career: Veterinary Medicine

1350 Words3 Pages

Gloria Valenzuela
Mr. wakely
ERWC p. 2
5 may 2014
Veterinary Medicine
Being a veterinarian is a great career choice because of the great interactions with varied types of animals, the amount of aid you can supply them, and the great feeling after helping the injured or sickly animals to their health. Some of the top vet schools are Cornell University (#1 in Ithaca, NY), UC Davis (#2 Davis, CA), and Colorado State University (#3 in Fort Collins, CO).
To become a vet the requirements are four years of undergraduate education with course requirements. The profession requires doctoral or professional degree you can get in vet schools. Training includes the extensive study of biomedical sciences, chemistry, pharmacy, and basic animal husbandry. Veterinarians need a well-developed powers of observation, good memory, logical thinking, patience, and positive attitude to animals. According to, the official Penn State website and article Steps To Becoming A Veterinarian, vet schools and programs are very competitive to get into. The key step is to start preparing ahead and always have a back-up plan.
Veterinarians uses medicine to diagnose, treat diseases and dysfunction of animals. Medicine used such as antibiotics and vaccines. A veterinarian’s role in their career is to help and serve also trying to find a new treatment to disorders for humans and animals. Some vets teach other people or other vets how to do something.
The history of being a veterinarian has been around since human beings have interacted with animals. For a long time, ever since man tamed animals, there is a need to monitor their health. Just as human, they suffer the same diseases: a cold, sore throat, stomach ulcer, and urolithiasis. Veterinary Medicin...

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...would for yourself or a family member. Nutritional Therapy by means of providing additional nutritional supplementation to your pet's diet is a relatively inexpensive, practical and useful method of health support that a pet owner can easily administer at home.
Herbal medicine is great for humans because it’s all natural, well herbal medicine is just as effective on animals. Some vets use herbals such as Astragals, Barley Grass Powder, Catnip, Chamomile, Glucosamine, Kava Kava, Lemon Balm, Licorice Root, Oregon Grape Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Stevia, and Yellow Dock Root. All of these herbal remedies cure various types of infections, helps with pain or helps with diseases. The career choice of becoming a veterinarian is a great because of helping all these different types of animals, and the great feeling after helping the injured or sickly animals to their health.

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