Things Fall Apart And Samurai's Garden

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A healthy and open father and son relationship is crucial in a young boys life. A child craves that relationship and for his father’s affection. It can determine how his adolescence and adulthood goes. A poor relationship can cause the son to go into a downward spiral. Many factors can cause this relationship to become poor. This year we read two books where I felt the main prominence in them were the poor father and son relationships and how that affected their thoughts and behaviors. In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe and in Samurai’s Garden by Gail Tsukiyama laziness, dishonesty, and disapproval are factors that cause an unhealthy father and son relationship. Laziness may seem like a minor reason but it is very detrimental to a father and son relationship. In Things Fall Apart Okonkwo’s father is very lazy, which ultimately leads to unconventional family dynamics in the eyes of the child ( 4 Achebe). In a child’s eye the father is …show more content…

For example in Samurai’s Garden, Stephan’s father showed dishonesty by having an affair with the Japanese woman and giving his mistress money ( 83 Tsukiyama). A father and son relationship is built on respect and trust, and when a father is untruthful that can destroy that relationship. Stephan felt uncomfortable around his father after that realizing that the world he was living in was full of deception. Another example is in Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna but never tells Nwoye, which creates a further strain in their relationship when Nwoye finds out the real truth about it ( 52 Achebe). Nwoye felt he had no father so he used Ikemefuna as a role model. Okonkwo killed him and refused to tell Nwoye; Nwoye felt as though he had been lied to causing him to lose trust in his father. Trust is very important and it’s easy to lose but hard to

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