The Father-Son Relationship Depicted in Hesse's Siddhartha

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Fathers and sons have special bonds that connect them in a different way from other individuals. Although they may not expose much emotion, respect and honor are key factors that link their relationships. Siddhartha and his father had a certain understanding towards each other. Siddhartha loved, feared, respected and was patient towards his father; an equal amount of these traits were reciprocated with the addition of understanding.

Siddhartha was a proactive, self-sufficient young man. He quickly absorbed the Brahmin’s doctrine and decided he wanted to learn even more; he had to become a Samana. Of course, in order to make such a step he needed his father’s permission. When he first requested, his father rejected the idea and said he should not speak it again. However, Siddhartha persisted. Respecting his father’s words, he stood patiently and waited for his request to be granted. His father asked him why he was waiting. Siddhartha responded, “You know why.” He continued on saying he would wait until he died. His father said, “And you would rather die than obey your father...

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