The Reliability and Validity of Hans Eysenck's EPI Test

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The Reliability and Validity of Hans Eysenck's EPI Test

The aim of this investigation was to look at the reliability and

validity of Hans Eysenck's EPI Test. The EPI questionnaire comprises

of items of a 'yes/no' variety. They are essentially intended as

research tools (as opposed to diagnostic tools for use in clinical

settings) and, as such, 'they are regarded as acceptable, reliable and

valid' (Kline 1981, Shackleton and Fletcher, 1984).The Alternative

Hypothesis was that there would be a positive correlation between the

E and N scores for forms A and B of the EPI. The Null Hypothesis was

that there would not be a positive correlation between the scores for

forms A and B, and any such found relationship would be down to chance

factors operating.

The correlation study was carried out because we were looking for a

relationship between the E scores and the N scores for forms A and B

of Hans Eysenck's EPI Test. The independent variable and dependent

variable were not operationalised in this case because an experimental

method was not being used and this investigation used test re-test

reliability. A repeated measure design was used because it was quick,

economical and cancelled out individual differences. Eighteen naïve

psychology students, male and female were used for this investigation.

An opportunitive sample was used because it was quick, easy and could

be carried out in a classroom.

The results, taken from the Raw Score Data table and scatter graph

showed evidence of a positive correlation. However, to accept that

this result was significant, we subjected the data to further

statistical analysis. A Spearman Rho Correlation Coefficient test (Rs)

was chosen because the data was Ordinal and parametric assumptions

were not met. The outcome stated that with number of people equalling

18 and significance set at p=0.05 for a one tailed test, the

calculated value for the 'E' score was 0.87 and for the 'N' score was

0.90. The critical table value tells us that a value 0.464 and above

has a degree of accuracy to 0.

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