The Pros And Cons Of Personal Reflection In A Personal Life

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Personal reflection is when you ask yourself thought provoking questions so that you can develop a deeper level of understanding about yourself (Holdefer). Personal reflection isn’t always the easiest thing to do. You generally have to think about things before you can write about them. There really isn’t a right or wrong answer when it comes to personal reflection. When reflecting you need to consider why you are feeling a certain way or why you did something a certain way. We often just look at the end results of something. With reflection you look at why you took certain steps to get to where you are now. We often use reflection when we are unsure about something, when we feel like we could have done something differently, or when we want …show more content…

We are faced with decisions every day. These decision are usually something that we think about, we don’t always make decisions right away. I like to make a pros and cons list for making a certain decision. This allows you to think about what the outcome will be from the decision. You will be able to see how the positive and the negatives that come with the decision. You then can determine what the best solution will be. This can be done in a business setting as well. Sometimes you need to think about the every angel and then make the best …show more content…

I personally like to read up on a subect and take notes on it at the same time. Once I have completed my notes I like to rewrite them into my own words and add any additional thoughts that might go along with it. I believe that this process allows me to have a better understanding of the subject. It also allows me to think about it based on my own personal feeling. I can ask myself questions like, do I agree with it, or what don’t I understand, or what would make this easier to understand. When you think about reflection most people think about their personal life, but it can be used for classes and for

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