Journal Entry: Radiation Therapy Student

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Reflective practice is an integral part of developing professionalism of a radiation therapy student. In the following journal, we see the benefit of reflective practice and what it achieves and the value of professional practice and what it requires. We see an example of said professionalism as we reflect on Carla’s experience with breast cancer and her interaction with professionals throughout her treatment. From this reflection, we see the importance of communicating in a professional manner in order to provide the best standard of care for the patient, on a physical and emotional level. According to Sandars (2009, 685), reflection is a process of turning back thoughts in order to interpret and analyse events, creating a greater understanding of oneself and influencing future actions and responses. In health, reflection is essential as it improves the actions of a health professional, leading to improvement in the standard of care and therefore impacting on the wellbeing of the patient. A reflection can be personal in the form of a journal, feedback from other staff and patients or a structured analysis of incidents. Reflective practice is the responsibility of the professional and is an ongoing process throughout their whole career (Sandars 2009, 688). As highlighted by White (2003, 8), reflective practice is of paramount importance to a radiation therapy student as it provides an avenue to review methods and develop a greater understanding of best practice early in their career. It helps keep up to date with current technique and technology and challenge and refine clinical practice (Chapman, Dempsey and Warren-Forward 2009, Introduction). Reflecting on practice helps to analyse incidents and build on techn... ... middle of paper ... ...short in my actions. I plan to consider the consequences of my actions before I implement them. If I can improve these skills, my patients will benefit as I aim to improve the standard of care I ultimately give as a radiation therapist. Reflective practice challenges the actions and experiences of students and professionals. It requires self-assessment and analysis of actions and calls for a change in order to improve care. This high standard of care is fought for by health professionals who keep their patients as a priority. Carla’s experiences highlights the impact professionals may have on patients and shows how the actions of those professionals had a significant impact on her emotional wellbeing throughout her treatment. In reflecting on this, I aim to develop my communication and self-assessment skills in order to improve the care I ultimately provide.

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