The Political Compass Test

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After taking “The Political Compass” test, it is interesting to see how I turned out to be more communist and authoritarian than I originally believed. I am a bit disappointed that I turned out to be “less ideological.” This could be a result of the fact that I do not see myself to be an extremist. Extremists are typically unable to share views with other extremists. I can identify with authoritarians more than with libertarians. This exam is able to determine whether someone can identify with libertarians, authoritarians, communists or neo-liberalists. Many of the questions on the exam were very vague, while others were very direct and specific. There are plenty of factors that affect the results of this exam- childhood experiences, age, gender, religion, race, ethnicity, influence …show more content…

According to Andrew Heywood, libertarianism gives strict priority to liberty over other values, such as authority, tradition and equality (Heywood, 85). Given that my score was 0.31, I was not surprised. I do believe authority is a major aspect to order in society; however, the power vested upon the authority should not be abused. The role of authority should be to regulate and enforce laws, not make laws. To avoid having a completely authoritarian government, the power should divided among a group of individuals. While every citizen should retain the right to due process, those who are found to be guilty of a crime should be punished. One of the questions on the exam pertained to capital punishment and I believe that if one commits a crime that is horrific, then the punishment should fit the crime. It would seem unjust for a murderer to spend his life in jail, while he is living, eating and receiving medical treatment on the taxpayers’ dime. This exam found me to be more authoritarian than libertarian. However, I cannot agree with Hitler’s extremist justifications for wanting to wipe out an entire

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