Why I Am Conservative

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Liberal is defined as "one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways." (Webster's dictionary) A conservative is defined as "one who adheres to traditional methods or views." (Webster's dictionary) The definition of these words have changed throughout history. A liberal in older days was not what one would be today; they were considered a person whom sought to use change, while a conservative is one who opposed change. The differences between a liberal and a conservative is a wide gap that focuses upon the fundamental beliefs of those within each group.

Pure liberals are people who show themselves as liberal on both economic policy and personal conduct. This means "that they want the government to reduce economic inequality, regulate business, tax the rich heavily, cure the (presumably) economic causes of crime, allow abortions, protect the rights of the accused, and guarantee the broadest possible freedoms of speech and press." (Wilson, 121) In contrast to, a pure conservative who show conservative views on both economic and conduct issues. This means that "They want the government to cut back on welfare state, allow the market to allocate goods and services, keep taxes low, lock up criminals, and curb forms of conduct they regard as antisocial." (Wilson, 121) I believe according to Wilson's definitions on both terms, I am a pure conservative.

I believe that I pay too much tax. Before I took an economics' course I did not know where my money went every month. I realized that all the money I paid to the government was benefiting others and not me. The government spends too much money on social security programs. The social security program does not be...

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... programs needed to be cut, so I never really had the opportunity to go through an incident like that.

The term ideological is defined as "a more or less consistent set of views as to the policies government ought to pursue." (Wilson, 116) I believe that I am ideological in my political thinking. I stand really strong on what I believe in and will always try to persuade people that my thinking is right. My opinion on spending more money on national security rather than welfare is strongly felt because I have been a victim where I suffered because the government spent too much money on welfare rather than national defense. I feel that I am very consistent in all my thinking not only with politics but also with other issues.

With my own experiences in this world I do believe that I am ideological in my political thinking and I am a pure conservative.

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