I Am A Democrat Or A Republican Essay

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Democrat or a Republican is a complicated question almost like decidIng on a religion, which beliefs do they feel strongly about, what do you feel strongly about? How was their ideology similar to yours? These questions are what every American has to answer. But a surprising number of them find themselves just like me in the center. Through the three surveys, it appears I am juxtapositioned in the center. In other words I am a moderate, and that doesn't surprise me because I support some views the democrats have, such as gun control restrictions, but yet on the other hand I support the republicans view of pro, life unlike our fellow democrats. I have found that these surveys seem to match up with my ideology. The political typology quiz aligned me in the hard pressed skeptic. I am not surprised at this outcome because it seems to match my ideology, and political beliefs. …show more content…

They don't seem to conflict with my thoughts it appears that these political surveys have only strengthened my beliefs. I have fallen into now independent field. They don't seem to conflict with my own thoughts they just seem to confirm what I already believed. It was very intriguing finding out how I stood on this political field, where I stood in correlation. How other Americans compare and what candidates felt strongly about issues that I cared about. My own thoughts are as such, I feel that if you were to join a political party you need to be all in and ready to support what your political party decides to support, especially if you decide to run for office. Which is precisely why we moderates don't seem to find ourselves winning too many campaigns. We prefer and I prefer just to almost stay out of it because no side seems to be just right for

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