The Miracle Worker Character Analysis

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In William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker it made the audience sympathize with the Annie, Helen, family and their frustration. Without the frustration and emotions the play would have been simply meaningless.
In every great production there is a protagonist and at least one antagonist. A Majority of the time the main character is the protagonist, but in drama the protagonist launches the action and experiences the most psychological change. The Miracle worker, also known as Annie Sullivan, she graduates school and moves south to teach a blind and deaf young girl names Helen Keller. Annie finds great difficulty and frustration in trying to teach Helen to communicate. As the Protagonist Annie propels the action by upsetting Helen and sending the whole house into an uproar, Annie tries to explain to the parents that treating Helen like a blind and deaf child is not good for her, she will never learn that way. At this time Annie is also going through the most psychological change, she feels guilty for leaving he brother jimmie in the Mental Hospital so that she could have eye surgery and and education. While Annie way away at school she heard word that her brother had died, this left her guilty and broken into many pieces. Annie swore to take of bother herself and Jimmie, she eventually came to realize that she did everything she could for him, this was a major psychological change for her. While she is having these flashbacks it gives her more and more determination to help Helen. By the time the production ends Annie is able to somewhat communicate with Helen, all she needs it time and patience. The only problem is that is time and patience that the family will not give her; the family and Helen are the contributors to m...

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... Annie teaches Helen at the family’s request but then her attitude become pure determination, she may use hard methods, like separation, but she only want to help. Now the family hired Annie but they are very unsure of all or her methods of education and they are very gentle with Helen, afraid they might lose or hurt her. There are many conflicts thought the production. Not only is there a conflict between Annie and the Keller’s, but there is also a conflict between Helen vs. herself and Annie vs. herself. Helen is determined to fight for herself and her disability, she has tried to fright for herself but has not been able to accomplish it until Annie came along, and her failures led her to frustration and fits. Annie is then finally able to get through to her and she is finally able to fight for herself. There is also a conflict between Annie and herself.

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