Movie: Diary of a Black Woman

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In the movie “Diary of a Black Woman”, Helen is a dark complected woman who is very fancy and classy. Helen is a pretty well mannered woman , dressed neatly. Helen has every dollar wished for in the world but yet, does not own a bit of happiness even if desired. Throughout the experience of love, Helen’s personality changes; from warmly soft to a harsh cold hearted woman with a shattered heart.
Helen comes from a very low class family and community. Helen’s family is known as what is called “the ghetto”, although they may not have riches they have a great heart that unites them happily. Helen depended so much on a believed love who failed her. Helen never really came far on her education due to having everything with Charles. Charles lost interest on Helen, but she was blindfolded to see that her happiness didn’t exist. Charles has had an affair during their matrimony with a light complected woman who is mother of his two children. The woman had more power over Helen’s feelings because Charles realized his children needed him. Charles left Helen without much to do, kicking her out o...

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