The Meaning Of Life Essay

1081 Words3 Pages

Final Paper – Intro to Philosophy
The Meaning of Life
Kristal Huff

The Meaning of Life
Many individuals wonder what is the meaning of life, and if the life that they are living has some sort of meaning to it. Before determining what the meaning of life is one has to know what the meaning of meaning is. Meaning has to do with how a word represents something or communicates something. Life is not the kind of thing that that can just represent or communicate, and so it doesn’t make sense to ask about the meaning of life, but what if the question to ask about the meaning of life does have an answer? Most things have a clear definition, but is life that simple to have a definition that all individuals will accept?
Life has meaning. One way in understanding life is the importance that life has. If something is considered important then it is valuable. Life is important because of the fact that it serves a purpose and has some sort of value connected to it. Value can be interpreted in relation to someone or some procedure that can be said to have interests. In the religious viewpoint it is understood that God is the person that individuals are valuable to. God was the one that created humans and we are important to Him because we are made in his image. Being made in his image, for the religious people, makes us wonder if we are living our life as if God would want us to. Most religious people go through each and every day with the question of “What Would Jesus Do?” The reason why most individuals live their life by this question is because God is very important to them and they do not want to do anything to disappoint Him. That is not the only possibility. Life can be important within ourselves. It doesn’t ma...

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...ife. If learning did not exist then life would not exist. We need to learn in order to live life.
The meaning of life is not an easy thing to talk about. It depends on the person that you are. Life is a clear slate and we are free to put any meaning we want to the word. Life does not have a certain meaning. Whatever we want life to mean is what it will mean to us. We are focused too much on putting a definition on every little thing that we can’t accept the fact that something does not have a meaning to it. It is not necessarily bad that life does not have a meaning. Life not having a meaning means that it is too difficult to define. Life is like an unsolvable math problem. In the end it is still considered a math problem, but it’s just unsolvable. Life is the same way. Life is life, but not one individual can define life perfectly. It’s too difficult to define.

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