The Internal Combustion Engine

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The internal combustion engine has become an integral part of the lives of every person on earth. They’re the devices that have allowed us to cross continents reliably, generate electricity in remote areas and fly around the world in a matter of hours. All these engines do is burn fuel and convert its energy into work. It’s these heat engines that have really changed the world. However the convenience they bring has come at a great cost. The major problem with the internal combustion engine is the environmental damage it has caused. It is only now we are beginning to realise the full extent of this damage.
In the mid-seventies basic steps were taken to reduce the pollution caused by cars, which of course at their heart is an internal combustion engine. The first and most obvious source of pollution from cars is the Exhaust pipe. Exhaust emissions contain carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen. Also a small amount of solid matter, or particulates, is emitted in the form of lead from the tetraethyl lead used in fuel to increase its octane rating. It was found that these pollutants were having an adverse effect on the environment and in extreme cases were actually causing visible ‘smog.’ But exhaust emissions in pre-70’s cars were only accounting for 55% of automotive air pollutants. Another major source was emissions of hydrocarbons from the engine’s crankcase. They occurred because during combustion there is a small amount ...

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