Argument Essay About Underage Drinking

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Underage drinking is wrong. It is very unhealthy and can be extremely dangerous. Not only is it unhealthy and dangerous it is also illegal. (Kids don’t try this at home). Underage drinking is when anyone under the minimum legal drinking age of 21 drinks alcohol. Alcoholic beverages include: beer, wine, liquor, etc. With underage drinking comes a heavy price, underage drinking carries a lot of risk and potential serious injuries. It can get teens into a multitude of troubles such as, problems with the law, with family, friends, social life, and more. The more teens know about the facts and consequences of this harmful venture the better off they are from becoming one of the many statistics associated with underage drinking. Every day more than 4,750 kids under the age of 16 have their first drink of alcohol, that’s and astounding number of young people whose lives could be ruined by one terrible decision made in their life, the decision to drink illegally. Scores of young kids die every year or suffer serious injuries and punishment due to this illegal endeavor. The number of underage drinkers that suffer grave consequences every year in the United States is well into the thousands. All teenagers have their own reasons for delving into this activity, in the end no excuses or reasons are appropriate to justify this senseless decision to drink illegally. All teens have their own reasons for drinking illegally. Whether it’s friends, family, or otherwise, underage drinking is never a good thing. There are several reasons as to why this unhealthy habit may occur. One of these reasons is peer pressure and friends. Some teens have friends who they hang out with that have used alcohol. A kid may feel out of place or maybe thinks he or s... ... middle of paper ... is a huge problem. Not only is it a problem that goes on elsewhere it is a problem here locally. I’ve heard many stories from people here in this very school about underage drinking and parties they’ve gone to where drinking was involved. I will say that often times the stories haven’t ended very well, where nobody was caught or got in trouble. Lots of times I hear that people get caught. Underage drinking is a very unsafe practice that often times goes unnoticed. Anyone who drinks and is under the legal drinking age should really take it upon themselves to quit. You really are not gaining a single thing by continuing to drink illegally. It’s never too late to stop. Your chances of living are also way better off when you are sober than when alcohol is present within your body. Don’t be another statistic and add to the body count, quit now before it’s too late.

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