The Importance of Selfawareness in our Life

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Everyone is aware, that's no big deal. But awareness can be developed as a skill set just as talking can be developed by learning a broader vocabulary. The more you know different kinds of things to pay attention to, the more you can choose (or not) to use that information.
Self Awareness is the ability to know your own emotions and recognize their influence while using guts feeling to guide decisions. It includes acknowledgement of our personality, our strong opinion and weaknesses, our likes and dislikes. Developing self-awareness can help us to identify when we are stressed out or under pressure. It is also often a must for real communication and interpersonal relations, as well as for developing empathy for others. Self awareness is the ability to choose feelings being felt rather than just thinking the thoughts that are encouraged from the increasing events leading up to the situations of the moment. Self-Awareness also includes a growing and more specific appreciation of the way your self as inner boss and leader can be identified as being a little separate from ...

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