The Fault In Our Stars Essay

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Harder 1
Hannah Harder
Mr. Hall
World Literature: Period 3
18 Apr 2014
The Fault in Our Stars
Hazel Grace Lancaster is very lonely after years of dealing with stage four thyroid cancer and lung problems. Hazel was prepared to die until, at age fourteen, a medical miracle shrunk the tumors in her lungs. To start off the book Hazel explains to the readers how at age sixteen her mother believes that she is depressed because she rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed watching Americas Next Top Model, read the same book, An Imperial Affliction over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of her free time thinking about death. Hazel goes to a support group occasionally, where she is forced to go and communicate with other kids with cancer. Hazel’s personality is described to be lacking social skills, sarcastic, and has a close relationship to her parents. She has short brown hair, green eyes, a thin body because of all the caner treatments, wears Converse with oversized clothing, has ‘chipmunk cheeks’ from steroidal treatment, and must carry an oxygen tank and nasal cannulas where ever she goes. She doesn’t see herself the way that Augustus Waters sees her. When Hazel and Augustus met for the first time she asked why he is staring at her. Augustus said, "Because you`re beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence” (Green 16). Augustus fell in love with Hazel the second he set his eyes on her, and because Augustus had/has a life threatening disease also he learned to find the beauty in his surroundings. Hazel has a good sense of humor but keeps a lot to herself. She graduated high
Harder 2 school early and now attends communit...

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...e looks for days, everywhere they had been, anything that resembled their relationship, but there was no luck. She then realizes the one place she hadn't thought of- Peter Van Houten's address.
There are multiple themes presented in The Fault in Our Stars but the one that really
Harder 4 stands out is, learn to appreciate life. Both Hazel and Augustus have to fight an internal battle, to make a decision to spend their lives’ waiting to die or make her life worth living. The Fault in Our Stars will make you laugh, then make you cry, and above all inspire you to alter the way you live. John Green knows exactly how to play with your emotions and get you to fall in love with his characters. The theme is very important in teaching the young adult readers to enjoy their life and appreciate what they have, because there are always other people that have it worse that you.

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