The Downy Woodpecker

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The Downy Woodpecker


Downies take home in the United States and southern Canada. They have been

recorded at elevations of up to 9,000 feet. The downies are not deep-forested

birds, preferring deciduous trees. Open woodlands, river groves, orchards,

swamps, farmland, and suburban backyards are all favorite haunts of the downy.

Downies will also nest in city parks. About the only place you won't find them

is deserts. The most attractive human dwelling sites are woodlands broken up by

logged patches in a waterside area. Downies also enjoy open shrubbery with

groves of young deciduous trees.


Like the hairy woodpecker, the downy beats a tattoo on a dry resonant

tree branch. This drumming is the downy's song, though they do make some vocal

noises. They have several single-syllable call notes which include tchick, an

aggressive social note; a tick and a tkhirrr, which are alarm notes. There is

also a location call, known as a "whinny", made up of a dozen or more tchicks

all strung together.

Scientific Names

The downy woodpecker's scientific name is Picoides pubescens. There

are also six particular downies with six particular scientific names all from

different regions of the United States and southern Canada which I have listed


southern downy / Dryobates pubescens Gairdner's woodpecker / Gairdneri pubescens

Batchelder's woodpecker / Leucurus pubescens northern downy / Medianus pubescens

Nelson's downy / Nelsoni pubescens willow woodpecker / Turati pubescens

The downy woodpecker is sometimes reffered to as "little downy."

Behavior Towards Humans

The downy is unquestionably the friendliest woodpecker. A bird lover

in Wisconsin described downies at their feeding station: "The downies will back

down to the suet container on the basswood tree while I sit only a few feet away

on the patio. Even when I walk right up to them, most downies will not fly away,

but will simply scoot around the backside of the tree trunk and peek around to

see what I am doing. If I press them, they will hop up the backside of the tree

trunk and then fly to a higher branch.


Besides being friendly, downy woodpeckers are our good friends for

another reason. Most of the insects they eat are considered destructive to man's

orchards and forest products. About 75% of their diet is made up of animal

matter gleaned from bark and crevices where insect larvae and eggs lie hidden.

While standing on that unique tripod of two legs and and a tail, downies hitch

up and down tree trunks in search of a whole laundry list of insect pests. With

their special chisel-like bills and horny, sticky tongues, downies are adept at

plucking out great numbers of beetle grubs, insect cocoons, or batches of insect

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