Downy Woodpecker Essays

  • The Downy Woodpecker

    3719 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Downy Woodpecker Habitat Downies take home in the United States and southern Canada. They have been recorded at elevations of up to 9,000 feet. The downies are not deep-forested birds, preferring deciduous trees. Open woodlands, river groves, orchards, swamps, farmland, and suburban backyards are all favorite haunts of the downy. Downies will also nest in city parks. About the only place you won't find them is deserts. The most attractive human dwelling sites are woodlands broken

  • Perceptive Vision

    1143 Words  | 3 Pages

    Perceptive Vision: A Look On The Effect Of Cartoons On Children When one sees a cute illustration for a product or business, or perhaps if an animated show happens to catch an adult’s mature eye, no matter what the content, the first thought to pop in their head would be whether or not the topic or content is appropriate in the eyes of a child. A mischievous 10 year old watching a show like Scooby-Doo could soon want to solve mysteries or an affectionate seven year old could watch a superhero show

  • Bird Blind Essay

    1821 Words  | 4 Pages

    Titmouse’s. Bird seed is all over the ground, it might be due to the high winds knocking over the bird feeders. Barley any of the birds are eating from the feeders. There are however some bigger birds out a pigeon and at least five woodpeckers consisting of being hairy and downy. At 12:00pm a loud voice can be heard saying “this is a test”. The bird stir a bit but are still chirping and seem contented with eating and talking. When the alarm goes off all the birds up into mind air and evacuate the blind

  • Goldenrod Gall Fly Lab Report

    1191 Words  | 3 Pages

    enemies that are discussed in this article are Eurytoma gigantea and the E. obtusiventris which are both different types of parasitoid wasps, Mordellistena unicolor which is a beetle and two predatory birds the Dendrocopus pubescens which is the downy woodpecker and Parus atricapillus the black-capped chickadee (Abrahamson, 1989). These natural enemies eat the larvae of the goldenrod gall fly while in the gall. The galls are found on tall goldenrod plants. The goldenrod fly induce ball-shaped galls on

  • History Of Central Park

    1161 Words  | 3 Pages

    Central Park is an urban park in New York City between Fifth Avenue and Eighth Avenue and running from 59th Street to 110th Street. Central Park is the most visited urban park in the United States. The Park was initially opened in 1857. It was later improved and expanded according to Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux’s Greensward Plan, after which it was reopened in 1873. Central Park is comprised of 341 hectares (843 acres). It is 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) long and (0.8 kilometers) 0.5