Picoides Essays

  • The Downy Woodpecker

    3719 Words  | 8 Pages

    an aggressive social note; a tick and a tkhirrr, which are alarm notes. There is also a location call, known as a "whinny", made up of a dozen or more tchicks all strung together. Scientific Names The downy woodpecker's scientific name is Picoides pubescens. There are also six particular downies with six particular scientific names all from different regions of the United States and southern Canada which I have listed below: southern downy / Dryobates pubescens Gairdner's woodpecker

  • Preservation of Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Habitat

    1722 Words  | 4 Pages

    fragmentation of wildlife habitat, which has had detrimental effects on the population structure and survivorship of the affected area’s indigenous species. One species that has been affected by habitat fragmentation is the red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), a nonmigratory bird with a home range covering most of the southeastern United States (Roise et al, 1990). Habitat fragmentation has led to the loss of genetic variability, nesting sites, and suitable population sizes to support cooperative