The Contextual Model In The Life Journey Of Addiction By Leonie

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drug use, and poverty are very much a part of everyday life. The Contextual model states that along with the organism being active the environment is also active which leads to the interactions with drugs and poverty that we see through this novel which sets the stage for Leonie’s husband being incarcerated for possession of crystal meth and Leonie’s own battles with drug addiction that directly impact her inability to be a competent mother. The environment that Leonie lives in is actively contributing to the outcome of her life. The third assumption of the contextual model is that development can be best described as a spiral path rather than unidirectional. This relates to Leonie’s life journey by certain events in the story that prove that …show more content…

The last assumption of the contextual model is development is viewed as open ended in this system. This relates to Leonie’s life journey by explaining how her life could have turned out any number of ways based on the types of decisions she made which directly contributed to the way she develops throughout the story. The competing world view I have chosen to use and reference to this story is the Mytho-poetic world view which has a few competing assumptions to the contextual world view. The first competing world view of the Mytho-poetic assumption is that every event has a cause. This is very true throughout this story epically when analyzing Leonie’s character. Leonie has many events that have causes in this story and it could be argued that her relationship with her husband attributed to her drug use. As the reader finds out in this story Michael is involved in a work-related incident where many of his coworkers are killed in an explosion that took place on an oil rig. Being out of work and traumatized by the event led to drug use which coincidently help fuel Leonie’s drug use which snowballed into a series of …show more content…

When reading this story, it’s easy to think that she is just some drug addict that puts he addiction over everything else in her life but having world views to use when trying to understand why she might be the way she is helps uncover how Leonie is just a product of the environment that she lives in. Although it doesn’t seem like Leonie changes much by the end of the story the reader is introduced to her daily struggles over the course of the novel and its helps to possibly understand that all her shortcomings and failing as a mother aren’t entirely her fault but a result variables in the environment that could be arguably out her

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