Who Is The Antagonist In Swallowing Stones

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Swallowing Stones Essay In the novel “Swallowing Stones” bly Joyce McDonald, Jenna, Michael and Joe have done some deeds that affect them throughout the entire story. Jenna is constantly fighting with her Mother, and Michael has shot off a gun, and Joe has lied to the police. The character’s decisions impact the entire story. Jenna Ward is affected by her father’s death the most because she blames herself for his demise. When Jenna’s father died she remembered her mother telling her to get off the phone with her friend to call her Dad in for lunch. Then when she did not call her father in she blamed herself for why he died. She told her mother, “It’s all my fault” (McDonald page 10). Jenna thought she could have saved her father from dying. Jenna also fights with her mother constantly throughout the entire book and when they try talking they blame themselves for her father’s death which does not help either of them. In conclusion Jenna Ward …show more content…

Michael had shot off the rifle that killed Jenna’s father. Michael had accidentally shot it into the sky to show his best friend, Joe, how it works. Michael then heard about Jenna’s father’s death and knew instantly that it was his fault. He “remembered the story about the girl who choked on a stone” (page 32) and knew that he was also choking on his guilt. Michael keeps denying that he killed Mr. Ward but he knows in the end that it was him. Michael has also lied to the police about where the gun is and how his best friend Joe borrowed it. Michael should be honest and tell the police what has actually happened and maybe he will not get into so much trouble. Michael has also cheated on his girlfriend with Amy Ruggerio. That has affected him throughout the story because his ex girlfriend was spreading rumors about him. In conclusion, Michael has done deeds that affect him in the whole

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