Lilybeth's Biopsychosocial Assessment Paper

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Based on Lilybeth’s Biopsychosocial assessment, it is clear that her lived experiences up till this time has been unpleasant. Lilybeth’s lack of employment, health care services, alcohol addiction and support system are the current stressors in her case. As a black female and lesbian, she has multiple marginalized identities per social construct which of course are subject to oppression all around. Lilybeth said that it feels like a little girl, whom she is trying to forget about is trapped inside her, hence her justification of constant alcohol use. She said alcohol “drowns” the little girl’s voice and she likes it so.** As a clinician it is important to explore every aspect of a client’s life in order to understand the underlying factors and source of the client’s presenting problem. As a young adult she is still in the process of comfortably establishing her identity even though she has a significant other, she is yet to enter the work force and participate in self exploration. MEWLC is currently using a holistic approach, inclcognitive behavior therapy and motivational interviewing.** Developmental Issue Relevant to Lilybeth (Young Adulthood) …show more content…

This is a period when an individual utilizes the skills and knowledge gained during childhood and adolescence to grasp and fill their psychological needs. In this situation, the young adult may assume different responsibilities including parenting. Some of these responsibilities include gaining employment for self sustenance, finding love for the sake of companionship and sometime procreation, forming friendships, recognition and self actualization. Seeking love/compianship is a period when the adult strives to forge intimate and secure relationships with significant others outside one's family of

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