The Benefits Of Vegetables

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Zhao, et., al. (2018) Vegetable is one of the most important food items in people’s daily diet, because people obtain essential nutrients from vegetables, which they cannot get from other food. Eating vegetables is a part of people’s daily life and therefore, they pay so much attention to the quality of vegetables they buy and consume. Vegetable quality has to do with the freshness of the product among the diversity of their varieties, their nutritional values, hygiene standards, and the level of chemical residues that is deemed acceptable for human consumption without adverse effects on health etc. In the past, most Chinese consumers were concerned only about the freshness and diversity of vegetable varieties. Until a few years ago, they did …show more content…

The sales of fruits and vegetables require special marketing method because such produce have ripening and storage issues unlike grains. So, various marketing methods are required for quick and effective sale of such produces, through middleman or on-farm stall, or quick set up in the local market to get the produces. Many large cities often have a central produce market that takes in the fruits and vegetables and supplies them to the local supermarkets and restaurant so that they can be sold off quickly. The development of ripening technologies and refrigeration has reduced the problems with getting produce to market in good condition. The commercial agriculture has a six contains key …show more content…

For example, a farmer who is sowing grains to get wheat will need better seeds the cultivation. A farmer will have dairy cows to produce milk. Seeds and animals are two examples of raw materials used in commercial agriculture.
4) Market Force: A producer must be aware of supply and demand of the produce in the market in order to get a good value of sales of the agricultural products. If there is a high demand for a product and low supply, the price will be increased. He should be aware of when to have the harvest and when to sell the product so as to maximize the profit. This may require proper harvesting method and storage facilities of produce depending upon the type of product.
5) Labor: Although commercial farming is extensive form of agriculture much intervened by mechanization, manual inputs are also equally important depending upon the type of produce. People who work on farms provide different types of labor. Labor is needed to plant crops, as well as to harvest them. Due to mechanization, labors are slowly being replaced by machineries however; labors are also required to run these machine tools. There are many areas in the livestock farming where much of the tasks are required to be performed by labors. Moreover, some of the tasks do not suit machine-intervention and require human hands, for instance- grapes and other fruits like banana and peaches are better when harvested

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