Importance Of Agriculture Essay

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To understand why is agriculture important in the world of today, then first of all we must know what agriculture is? Agriculture is the basic material production of society, the use of land for agriculture and livestock, mining plants and animals as raw materials and labor to produce mainly food and some raw materials for industry. Agriculture is a major industry, covering many disciplines: planting, breeding and processing of agricultural products; in the broadest sense, also including forestry and fisheries. Agriculture is an important economic sector in the economy of many countries, especially in the past century , when the industry has not yet developed. Since the dawn of history, agriculture has been one of the importance means of producing …show more content…

Intensive agriculture has large manufacturing inputs, including the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, selective breeding, research new varieties and a high degree of mechanization. Output products used primarily commercial purposes, as goods sold on the market or export. The activities on the intensive agricultural production is an effort to find ways to source the highest financial income from grain, products made from grain or livestock ....... How is the important of food production? That agriculture is one of the most essential means of producing food is realized easily when we think of the types of things that we eat. The rice or wheat that we eat comes from the land. Even potatoes and other roots or vegetables and even leaves such as tea, as well as the fruits that men eat are the products of the soil that covers the earth. In fact, everything that we eat, except meat, fish and other kinds of flesh comes from the land, and what grows on the land is part of agriculture. Even the sugar, oil, coffee and other beverages that we use are products of plants that grow on land. In the same way, many of the medicines that we use is made of plants that grow in various parts of the …show more content…

Our country has favorable conditions for the development of industrial crops and fruit trees: The climate is humid tropical monsoon with high heat, high humidity. There are many types of soil suitable industrial crops: feralit land in the mountains, alluvial soils of the plains. The labor abundant experience. Processing industry is growing; large market demand. Policies to encourage the development of the state. The development of industrial crops and fruit trees brought many great significance: Supply of raw materials for the processing industry, providing exports. To contribute to job creation, redistribution of labor on a national scale. Promote economic and social development in disadvantaged areas. Speaking of the achievements of agriculture, we will talk to the achievement of food production in our country recently: Rice planted area increased: 5.6 million hectares (1980) to 7.3 million hectares (2005). The crop structure has changed. Productivity increased at 4.9 tonnes / ha / year. Food production in paddy increased: 14.4 million tonnes (1980) to 39.5 million tons, including 36 million tons of rice (2005). Average food at over 470 kg / person / year. Vietnam is one of the leading rice exporter in the world. Acreage and crop production also increased rapidly. The Mekong Delta is the largest food producing countries, accounting

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