Teens Leaving Religion

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“I’m done with the church.” “Church is irrelevant.” “The church is too judgmental.” “My faith doesn’t relate to my career or interests.” Statements like these, among many others, have become an all too familiar refrain in American society. Coupled with the reality of a dwindling interest in Christianity and the Church as a whole, is the reality that an alarming number of teens and young adults appear to be abandoning their faith altogether. “The National Study of Youth and Religion, which included in-depth interviews with at least 3,300 American teenagers between 13 and 17, found that most American teens who called themselves Christian were indifferent and inarticulate about their faith” (Blake, 2010). Part of this disinterest and ignorance …show more content…

When the hard questions come pouring in from our teens and young adults, too often they are left with no answers from the Church. The world seems to have the answers that the Church does not, and thus teens are being drawn away to the deception of relative truth. The world around us teaches that science and logic are the standards of truth, and that the Bible is outdated and irrelevant. Whether one is well-grounded in their faith or one who simply goes to church because their parents make them, every teen will be faced with these clashes of worldviews. Yet we must be careful not to confuse doubt and confusion with a lack of faith. After all, Thomas doubted the resurrection. Sarah and Abraham laughed at God’s promise. Job questioned God. But through their doubt and confusion, God revealed His Truth, strengthened their faith, and deepened their relationship with Him. Today when teens doubt and question Christianity, too often they are not provided with biblical answers and their hard questions remain unanswered. Not knowing where else to turn, the world seems like the best option. As Paul reminded the Ephesians, we wrestle not against flesh and blood. The battle for our minds is oftentimes lost when the Church fails to equip teens with a proper worldview. Teens will easily fall away when the …show more content…

Christian parents must take the command to teach their children seriously. Too often parents place the burden of biblical teaching on their youth leaders. And while the Church has their role to play, the parents must remain the primary spiritual leaders to their children. Grounding children in solid teaching, instilling the power of God’s word, and setting godly examples for them is one of the most important ways to help them attain strong relationships with Christ. The Church too, must be willing to come alongside parents and equip them for the task. The world around us is aggressively throwing controversial ideas at Christian teens. Particularly in the area of science, the world is constantly fighting against the claims of the Bible. “They are trying to convince young people that man’s naturalistic ideas about the past and their interpretation of the evidence disproves the Bible” (Ham and Foley, 2016). Instead of allowing biblical Truth to guide us, the Church too often makes exceptions to so-called scientific facts; stating that God could have caused the Big Bang, or the Flood may not have covered the earth, or perhaps creation could have taken place over millions of years. But ideas like these merely allow the world to reinterpret what the Bible teaches, they undermine the authority of Scripture and teens will continue to turn from the Bible and to the world. The Church must be committed to standing firm on

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