Symbolism In The Petrified Forest

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My first impression of this movie was the simplicity of the settings that were utilized to create the atmosphere. Even though it is a black and white movie there have been major productions with elaborate sets to provide more depth to the overall plot. This however was not the case for The Petrified Forest. To its credit though the lack of scenery was not a factor because of the depth and range of all of the characters.
Each of the characters wound up in the desert appearing to be trying to either recapture something or run away from something in their lives. Duke was running from the law. Duke was gruff on the outside but when you think about why he was there it allwos a better understanding of his complicated and tender personality. The fact that he would wait there for his girl knowing that the police were on his trail tells me that he needed this woman's affection to complete him. …show more content…

Some of them welcome and embrace death as liberation from their tormented lives. Alan comes to mind, but Duke can also fit into that category since his relationship is a all or nothing situation. They have come to this desert to fossilize. One of the main characters, Allen Squire, decides that he will better assist Gabrielle's future by committing suicide by Duke. He feels that he does not possess any qualities that warrant going on to live. As for the vigilante style groups we can see that they are just as prevalent in 2015 as they were in 1935, if not more so today because of the mant ways to disseminate and also manipulate information to one degree or

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