Ten Little Indian Short Story Summary

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Ten Little Indians is a collection of stories about Native American and how they find themselves with personal crossroads facing many different moments in life. Perspectives on Indian life off the reservation is wonderful with some stories will make readers laugh and other would make them ad. What happens in their lives (help them grow into someone they want to become. Many of these short stories about Native American were interesting to read since they all different. The two stories that I thought were similar and different were “Search Engine” and “ What you pawn I will redeem.” It help them grow and test their loyalty within them see what this world has to offer. The two stories “ Search Engine & “What you pawn I will redeem” are somewhat similar ,but they had many differences in their stories. The two main character’s from the stories were Corliss and Jackson Jackson. They’re both Spokane Indians that left the reservation to find something for them in the world. These Native American were gifted intelligence Indians and knowledge they learn from experience. They are capable of doing many things. They are similar since the way Corliss and Jackson interact without a problem coming from the reservation. They were special …show more content…

The characters were both spokane Indians trying to find a purpose in their life. There plots are similar because they find something worth searching for cause of their culture. I like how they were able to communicate with anyone that was willing to talk to. Living out the reservation people made them seem like they didn't belong. Sometime you need to renew sense and faith that is life it is ever changing. The future hold for them because of their knowledge they knew give them hope for a better tomorrow. Always find you’re own sense of peace and don't worry what lie ahead . It help them find a purpose in the world around

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