Symbolism In The Dark Cave

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In this image we can see slaves chained in chairs, placed in rows where they cannot move or turn their heads. The prisoners can only see these flickering images on the wall, since they cannot move their heads.They presume the images to be real, rather than just shadowy representations of what is actually real. A wall seems to separate the slaves from a group of people that are projecting those images to the wall ,and those images seems to have all the slaves attention.The slaves are being preserve in a dark cave and they do not seem to notice it. They seem to be controlled by those images and they do not realize that they are living in a cave, and what they are looking at its just an illusion of reality. The slaves that are chained in chairs represents us the people who are slaves to our own believes. The dark cave symbolizes a world of ignorance and the chained people also symbolizes ignorant people living in that ignorant world. The shadows that are being projected on the wall is what we are only able …show more content…

It is likely that they will also be a couple people asking why he believes that but the majority of them will be bothered of their comfort zone. For example, we all have a different believes in religion, and we will not change our believes just because someone tells us his religion is the correct one. We all believe that our religion is the correct one ,and we have that need of educate others, but we don’t let others educate us because we would see it as if they are trying to disrupt our way of life. Television is another example where we believe most of what it tells us. For example, with television we can see everything that is happening around the world, although not everything it tells us is the truth. Since our only source are the visual news, and we tend to quickly trust that is

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