Plato's Allegory Of Cave: The World Of Beauty

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The world of advertisement and media industry is the epicenter of our cultural life, it is the place where ideals of beauty and success are being born. It has a tremendous impact on how the women are represented worldwide and how they view themselves, especially when our socio-cultural standards constantly draw fine line between what is acceptable and what is not. Philosophical interpretation of the Plato’s “Allegory of Cave” can be applied to many real-life issues, thus it can also be used to explain and understand the problem of sexual objectification and degradation of women in the society. The metaphorical meaning of the allegory can draw the attention to women’s issues that are socially acceptable, often overlooked and should be …show more content…

They are facing the wall, they are unable to move or see anything besides the shadows of their own bodies, puppets and objects, which are intentionally substituted by other people. The shadows appear on the wall from the fire that burns behind them. Prisoners can also hear the sound of an echo that reflects from the wall. The only reality that they know and are aware of, are the shadows that they see and the echo that they hear. Everything changes when one of them have a chance to leave the cave and finds out what the truth is and how the world looks like. The process of finding out the truth is not easy, it is quite painful and overwhelming. It takes time for a prisoner to adjust and comprehend the new information, considering the fact that knowledge that he had was far from the truth. What is even more challenging, is the posture of the prisoner after discovering the reality, who has to go back where he came from. He does not agree to live in denial for the rest of his life with other prisoners who believe in the shadows. Since he discovered what the truth is, he does not want to be fed up with lies anymore. (Plato …show more content…

Thus, we can assume that the audience itself, the members who believe in the content of ads and its sincerity, as well as, people who agree with the portrait of the women that is being created are the only prisoners in this particular situation. “To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images” (Plato 868). On the other hand, according to the Jean Kilbourne, author of “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt” what is not mention to the public is the fact, that many women from the very young age during the process of finding out the truth and being blinded by the “light” are fighting with depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders and sexual harassment. “I contend that all girls growing up in this culture are sexually abused – abused by the pornographic images of female sexuality that surround them from birth, abused by all the violence against woman and girls, and abused by the constant harassment and threat of violence” (Kilbourne

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