Stuck to Him

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This story was a weird one. The details didn't really make any sense until you got to the very end when it all came together. These types of stories make me angry because most of the time they are literally about nothing and I am not patient enough to read them if they are pointless. This story was really frustrating to read because you have no idea what is going on throughout the story until you get to the end where all of the details come together. I can only be confused for so long until I give up on trying to figure it out. Raymond Carver wrote the short story Everything Stuck to Him and the ending is what really ties this story all together the ending is where the ending is where we figure out from the details that the father and daughter are trying to work on their relationship, the ending showed me the father and daughter relationship by the use of details, and this story ends happily because the father has a moment of where he puts the past behind him. In the story Everything Stuck to Him Raymond Carver saved the ending of the story to tell us about the relationship of the f...

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