Splendor In The Gras Essay

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Double Standards in Different Generations
In the 1961 film Splendor in the Gras, Deanie Loomis has trouble deciding between being a "good girl" or "another kind of girl". She is torn between the two because "another kind of girl" aren 't respected and are a disgrace to the family. Her mother Frieda constantly reminds her that every man wants a good girl to marry. Deanie does what her mother tells her but she looses her boyfriend Bud Stamper after his father Ace tells him he needs "another kind of girl" to keep his mind on going to Yale and not marrying Deanie. Once Deanie sees what drove Bud to break up with her, she tries to become like classmate Juanita and Bud 's sister Ginny-- " a different kind of girl". But, it 's not very possible to …show more content…

In China if you were a "different kind of girl" your family would completely disown you. That 's what happened in Maxine Hong Kingston 's essay "No name Woman". Her aunt, whose name shall never be named violated the norm for women. The aunt 's husband was gone and when he was gone the aunt winded up pregnant and everyone in the village knew it wasn 't her husband 's child. The author believes that her aunt was forced to commit adultery because she writes, "My aunt could not have been the lone romantic who gave up everything for sex.Women in the old China did not choose. Some man had commanded her to lie with him and be his secret evil. I wonder whether he masked himself when he joined the raid on her family"(386). Women can be forced to have sex with a man but the women are still at fault. The women get the worse treatment in situations like this while men 's treatment subsides. Maxine Kingston quotes her mother, " Don 't let your father know that I told you. He denies her, Now that you have started to menstruate, what happened to her could happen to you. Don 't humiliate us. You wouldn 't like to be forgotten as if you had never been born. The villagers are watchful"(385). It sees as that the women are the only ones who have to carry this stress of "don’t humiliate the father by going against the standards for women" while men are free to do what they so choose and if they do anything wrong they are soon …show more content…

At the end Deanie ends or marrying a good man she met when she was in the psychiatric hospital. That 's exactly what she wanted but she wanted and thought it was going to be Bud, her lover of high school. Bud wanted a sweet girl to help him with his ranch and wanted and thought it would be Deanie. But, it ends up being someone else who he marries and has children with when Deanie was gone. They get what they wanted but it 's not with who they wanted to be

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