Striving Research Paper

557 Words2 Pages

Importance of Striving to Achieve Personal Goals
Omid Hormozi

The importance of striving to achieve personal goals is significant. Most of the time, you can’t accomplish what you want instantly, which is why you have to work hard for it. Only through hard work, is where people can reach their dreams. Every single one of the successful people in this world are hard workers. Nobody is born a hard worker, but with good enough motivation, anything is possible. If your goal is very important to you, important enough that you would be willing to spend lots of time on it, then nothing should be able to stop you.

As an athlete, I have to spend countless hours in the gym trying to get better, and I’m doing all of this to achieve my final goal, my goal of being in the NBA. It’s been almost a year and a half since I first picked up a basketball. At first, it wasn’t anything serious. I was just playing for fun. But after a few days was when I realized that this was my passion. This was what I wanted to for the rest of my life, but none of it is possible without practice. Through practice is where I can refine skills and learn new things to help me get better. All of the world’s top athletes are hard workers. It’s near impossible to do anything without hard work. …show more content…

Most people started hating him as a result of his spontaneous decision to go to Golden State. But the reason he did this was to achieve his own personal goal. In his whole life, he wanted to win an NBA championship, and not only did he win a ring, but he also won the finals MVP. To him, wanting a ring was so important to him that he was willing to do anything for it. If your goal means this much to you, then you should be ready to do whatever it

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