Spielberg Managerial Style

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Spielberg has shown his ability to differentiate himself from other filmmakers through his unprecedented ability to technological changes. Clearly many filmmakers have attempted to emulate both the artistic and managerial styles of Spielberg, but his ideas have been transformative. Based purely on the numerous accolades Spielberg has received, he has differentiated himself from others. What really differentiates himself from other filmmakers are his unrivaled cinematic techniques. His ability to use high tech computer graphics and complex editing techniques show his desire to produce inspirational works of art. As a result of his collaborative, yet controlling nature, Spielberg has been the first filmmaker to produce things in certain instances. …show more content…

Spielberg was rejected twice from USC, but ultimately became the most successful filmmaker of all time. However, he also experienced other challenges along the way. Jaws is perhaps best known as having a transformative impact in creating the idea of the “summer blockbuster” due to delays in production. However, Spielberg experienced challenges on set with his making of the film. To portray realism in his film, Spielberg insisted on film on the ocean and also recruited special effects crew to create a remote control shark. Unfortunately, there were boating mishaps and the remote control shark was a disaster. This substantially impacted the production of the film. Spielberg had a clear creative vision for the movie. However, in the midst of these challenges, he had to be flexible to change. He used his intellectual stimulation by using more of the ocean. He had to adjust his initial vision by having underwater cameras and crewmembers tying ropes to actors to portray the suspenseful image of a shark attack (“HitFlix,” Online). Spielberg’s perfectionist attitude coupled with his ability to be flexible due to the significant challenges given to him, resulted in a successful movie. Spielberg noted, “I will finish this film. I can’t tell you what day I’ll finish this picture, but I will (“Entertainment Weekly,” Online). This only confirms his unmitigated determination to complete projects even in the face of challenges. An NFL franchise could easily benefit from this type of attribute in

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