How Does Jaws Create Fear And Suspense

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Travis Tridle 4/24/2014 Film Final Essay Jaws the classic summer blockbuster, a thriller with the main goal to build up tension and suspense. Director Steven Spielberg, uses specific dialogue to show how his characters are feeling and their emotions. He uses many different kinds of techniques to build up fear and suspense. Such as his use of music, camera angles, and showing the power of the creature. One of the techniques used to promote fear and suspense into the audience is the use of the music. This technique makes the audience afraid of the shark, whenever the theme song is played the audience is to expect another horrific attack from the deadly shark, which adds a lot of suspense and build-up to the scences following. Spielberg uses this particular sound to build-up the scene, such as in the beginning when the shark attacks the girl swimming. Spielberg uses this non-diegetic sound which is only heard by the audience, not by any of the characters in the film. A non-diegetic sound defined by film sound says, a sound neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be prese...

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