Specialization Of Civilization Essay

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A civilization is a society that has cities, skilled workers in different areas, institutions, a form of writing to keep record and technology that is advanced for the time. Specialization is the excellence and development of a specific set of skiils in a certain subject of work. Artisans are workers who specialize in making things by hand. Institutions are organizations that last for a long time in communities Scribes are workers who’s job was to keep records Cuneiform was an ancient type of writing which means “wedge-shaped” The Bronze Age was a period of time, about 3000 B.C., when bronze was used, instead of copper and stone. Barter is a way to trade good without having to use money. A Ziggurat is a pyramid shaped house of worship in the …show more content…

Since the population would grow, there would be people of all backgrounds, who could help to form different skills and allow people to survive in one area. The social structure of village life changed as the the economy became more complex because it allowed for classes to form. Some people had better jobs than others, and higher authority, which allowed them to make more money and therefore live a wealthier life. The irrigation systems help to keep the food supply plentiful which helped to play a role in the development of civilizations because it didn't require groupd to move when the food source got low. There are five key traits to a civilization. The first on is advanced cities, which gives a large population of people a place to live. Next, specialized workers allow trade to occur, which helps the economy. The third key requirement is complex institutions, such as government and priests. Next is record keeping, to help keep track of important things such as laws, taxes, deaths, etc. The final key trait of a civilization is advanced technologies that help to make skills easier and keep cities

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