Essential factors to produce a successful civilization

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To construct a great civilization first of all you need to know what a civilization is. According to Merriam Webster dictionary(Webster) a civilization is an effective way of developing an organized society. What produces a great civilization? There are various factors in which a civilization is composed. The main ones are a great form of government, excellent geographical point, a unique writing system, exceptional trading system, specialized workers, an improved technology, advanced cities and complex institutions.

Women’s role in ancient civilization was poor because they had fewer rights than men. Women were seen as weak people by cause of relying too much on their husbands and fathers support. Women were less superior to men back then because their only role was to stay at home and take care of the children’s while their husband had to hunt and protect the village. Back then they thought women were useless because they didn’t have an education, even though they were really smart and they could do impressive things that men couldn’t even do. This is very bad for society and it won’t make it better because if they deny the education and working skills to the women then they are going to have less intelligent people that can help them in the agriculture, architecture etc. If they just gave the same opportunity to women as they gave it to

the men they would have more people, that would help each other and work together and in this way they would accomplish everything faster that as a result they would have a more advanced civilization. In Egypt the role of women was different because they gave the same right as they gave it to the men, for example a wealthy or middle class woman could own and trade property. In Egypt wom...

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... helped the architecture to have accurate measurements . Another civilization that also developed a system of writing was China. The written language could be easily to read and understand, but when they spoke it it was difficult to understand. This civilization had a big advantage with the system of writing because all parts of china everyone could learn the language even if they already spoke a different language. This helped make a great civilization because it unifies a large and diverse land and this helped to control it easier. One disadvantage it has is that the writing system has a lot of things to memorize. So if you were a wealthy kid and went to a good school you could memorize the major part of the language, but if you were in the lower class and went to a cheap school then you had trouble learning the language because they didn’t teach the whole language

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