Sodom And Gomorrah Analysis

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In the year of 100AD in the desert, the town Sodom and Gomorrah stood. Sodom and Gomorrah is a place full of evilness and sin-stricken where their motto is “Everything that gives pleasure is good.” However, beneath the presence of darkness in the town a small but great light of hope with blue eyes, brown maple skin, strong build, and dark coiled hair glimmered. Her name is Faith.

In the town of Sodom and Gomorrah when reaching the age of thirteen, a young child has to decide if they will continue to live with their families in Sodom and Gomorrah and become an active member of their church as a Sodogomorite: worshippers of idol gods and pleasurable sins.Or leave Sodom and Gomorrah and their families, to never return.Faith is plagued with …show more content…

The following week she begins going to the synagogue with her grandmother and grandfather learning about the Jewish faith. She also begins going to the Promise Land School of Israel. The first day of school Faith was a whirlpool of emotions: scared,excited, worried,anxious, and happy. As she embarks on her first day of school she walks with her grandmother. Along the way she meets two girls, Hope and Grace. Hope and Grace are both in the seventh grade and will be in the same classes as Faith. As Faith,Hope,and Grace walk together into school Faith says goodbye to her grandmother. Grace and Hope introduce themselves to Faith. “Hi, I’m Hope.”says one and “I’m Grace says the other. My name is Faith. “Faith where did you move from?” says Hope. “Sodom and Gomorrah” says Faith.”Interesting,” says Hope. As they finish their brief conversation,they walk into their first class of the day. They have Science with Ms.Ishmael, Arithmetic with Mr. Jerusalem, and Hebrew and Middle Eastern History with Mr. Nebucanezzer. Faith,Hope, and Grace enter Mr.Nebecanezzer’s class. “Good morning class!” Mr.Nebucanezzer says. “We will be studying the Christology of Jesus today.” As the lesson continues Faith is confused about who Jesus is but interested in learning more. During lunch, Faith sits with Hope and Grace. Faith asks the question that's been gnawing at her since Mr.Nebucanezzer class. “Is Jesus really “ the” Messiah” …show more content…

The next day Faith, told Hope and Grace she would be able to go to see Jesus’s tomb. Faith and her grandmother, Grace, and Hope all went to see if there were really a such thing as Jesus’s tomb. When they arrived they were amazed and saw his tomb and how Jesus’s clothes were undisturbed. Then, they went to the village and spoke to the people who had seen Jesus resurrect from the grave and witness all the miraculous things. They even saw in the bible in the New Testament those who believed and were saved. Their response in order to be saved was to be baptized. Faith was overwhelmed by all the overwhelming evidence and things shown to her that she couldn't help but believe and neither could her grandmother. They both believed putting their faith in God and were baptized in the River Jordan where Jesus had been baptized at the age of 12. Faith knew when leaving Sodom and Gomorrah she had a bigger purpose in life. But, it was a matter of having faith in God to allow the holy spirit to guide her to find

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