O On The Surface: The Farm By Joy Williams

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Joy Williams, the author of “The Farm” was born and raised in Portland, Maine. She attended and graduated from Marietta College and from there went on to earn a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from the University of Iowa. In recognition of her writing, she was the recipient of the PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in the Short Story in 2016. Growing up, she was the daughter of a minister and as such, she often incorporated a religious theme in her novels, essays, and short stories. Similar to Jesus, Williams’ style was to present her stories in the form of parables in the hope of getting an important message across to her readers. In many of her stories, Williams focuses on a flawed female character for which the reader generally dislikes. These women try to have control in their lives but fail due to bad decisions or bad attitudes. …show more content…

Williams also incorporates her religious theme in the form of the couple’s daughter Martha. Martha goes to Sunday school every week where she loves learning about god. Although Martha is only a child, her prayers are very mature for her age. Martha’s character is in direct contrast to her parents. The story begins with Sarah and Tommy driving home from the third party they had been to that evening. Sarah was driving when she began to hallucinate as a result of all the alcohol she had been drinking that evening. Suddenly, she hits a boy wearing dark clothes standing in the middle of the street, killing him instantly. When the police arrive, Tommy took the blame for the accident. Considering the circumstances that it was nighttime and the boy was dressed in dark clothing standing in the street, no charges were

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